Friday, November 21, 2008

Black Men's Hair Care

Black men's hair tends to be dryer and more brittle than most other types. Hair care for black men is a must! A lot of stress is added to the hair with combing, chemicals, heavy weaves, braids and extensions. Though having a great style is nice, getting your hair prepared before hand will prevent you from losing it in the future. Black men's hair care is as important as getting the perfect hair cut.

For black men, vitamins and moisturizers is key to healthy hair. Lack of vitamins can cause slow growing, dull hair and hair that is easily broken or damaged and can sometimes cause thinning. Whether you have healthy or unhealthy hair, keeping a daily hair care regimen will let you get the best look with your hair and also keep your hair healthy and on your head instead of going bald.

Black men have different types of hair, dry hair, oily hair, damaged hair and so on. Treating your hair accordingly with the right shampoo and conditioner will help you hair return to its healthy state. While there are few products made for black men's hair, these products can be very beneficial and there are also natural hair care treatments that can be used by all men.

With the right hair care, you can achieve the hair style you want with ease and without having to worry about the after math. So where can black men find information, tips and advice on hair care?

It’s normal if you’re not sure where to start in hair care for men, that’s why online you can find lots of resources for men on grooming and more specifically hair care. Get the advice and tips you need to start treating your hair right and getting the best look you deserve.

For more information visit our site on Black Men's Hair Care

Beat the Summer Hair Blues - Tips to Properly Care for Your African American Child' Hair

Our favorite time of year is finally here – Summer! With it comes the daily assault of taxing chlorine compounds, drying sea salt, and damaging sun rays – not to mention all of the havoc we wreck on our angel’s hair from daily styling fax pas.

Chlorine and salt water both dry, discolor, and damage hair. Chlorine binds to the hair, filling in gaps in the hair shaft. Mineral deposits in salt water make hair brassy and brittle. Both severely dehydrate hair. Imagine how these elements affect delicate, kinky/curly hair which tends to be much drier than straight hair. It is imperative that you (1) take preventative steps to avoid damaged, lifeless hair, (2) moisturize your child’s hair on a daily basis to restore moisture balance, and (3) take the time to incorporate a quality summer hair care regime.

Here are a few summertime tips that will keep damaged, split, brittle, frizzy hair away, so you and your angel can enjoy the summer without worry.

Summer Hair Care Tips:

•Before your angel enters a pool, lake, ocean, or any body of water, drench his/her hair with water and apply a coat of conditioner to the hair. This water/conditioner mixture will fill up the gaps in your hair shaft and act as a barrier from the chlorinated water. Follow up with a little club soda; it makes for a good post-pool rinse. I recommend wearing a swim cap as often as possible. Although most kids hate wearing them for many reasons - it’s comfortable, unattractive, or it never stays on, etc. - using a cap, that securely protects the hair, is always the best option.

•If there is a time to be extra gentle with her hair, it is now. Treat her hair like a fine silk blouse. Purchase a gentle hydrating shampoo. ALWAYS follow up with a rich conditioner. Shampoo gently – massage a small amount of shampoo into scalp, rinse well.

•Use a quality conditioner with moisturizing ingredients to deep condition her hair on a weekly basis during the summer. Look for ingredients such as wheat germ, jojoba oil, coconut oil, silk amino acids, etc.

•Over-shampooing and under-conditioning is a common culprit to dry and frizzy hair…especially in the summer months. Shampooing more than 1x a week is not recommended. On her "shampoo-less" days, simply do a conditioning rinse - rinse hair to remove styling products (this is when using the right products that are water soluble come in). Apply an ample amount of conditioner, comb through, rinse, and proceed with styling. Doing so will pump much needed moisture back into her hair without stripping away essential nutrients, rinse away unnecessary dirt and oil, and give her a fresh, clean start.

• Avoid products that contain synthetic oils such as mineral and/or petrolatum oil, as they further dehydrate your hair. Also avoid products that contain drying alcohol, such as hair spray, mousse and some gels. Instead, opt for a finishing lotion.

• Pay special attention to the ends of his/her hair; after all, they are the oldest part of the hair. Mix a bit of a conditioner with a natural oil, apply, and comb through ends; leave in for extra protection.

Mahisha Dellinger

"Superb hair care for multi ethnic women"

Simple Hair Care Tips for Beautiful Hair

Against frizz

What do you do when you're away from home and your hair suddenly goes "boing!"?
It's not practical to drag your straightening iron everywhere you go, but you can pack a small bottle of styling product in your purse. When trouble strikes, run some instant conditioner, curl-enhancer or anti-frizz serum through your unruly locks to keep them totally spazzing.

Silky hair

To get a smooth hair with enjoyable touch, apply a simple method: prepare a "mayo" with one yolk and 2 teaspoons of olive-oil. Apply the mixture on your hair before washing. Then cover the hair with packaging foil and leave it for 15-20 minutes. Finally, wash your hair with warmish water and baby shampoo and rinse it well.

Shine on

More natural shine for your hair? After washing the hair with the proper shampoo and after rinsing, pour one little bottle of warmish mineral water on your hair. The minerals fro the water makes the hair shiny - they have a pronounced reflection-capacity and interesting light-reflection. And it really works!

Over-use of a flat iron splits and fries hair-ends making them look like synthetic dolls' hair. Use it less and save your hair by blow-drying with a flat, paddle brush or a double-brush. The double-brush looks like a flatiron but it's lined with bristles and used with a blow-dryer. Don't forget to use a straightening product or a leave-in conditioner.

Don't put wet hair into pony-tail

Wet hair is weak and hair strands can snap off wound up in a hair-tie. Let the hair dry completely before tying it up. If time is an issue, then wash your hair the night before.

Preserve your hair color

Like any extra stress you put on your hair, coloring makes the hair weaker and can cause breakage, which is why it's so important to deep-condition to lock in moisture. If you're heat-styling your hair frequently, be sure to protect it with a gel or salve, which will ensure that the heat burns away the product and not your hair color. Also, be mindful of your shampoo and conditioner: Tailor them to your hair type and color to prevent fading and brassiness.

Great use of vinegar

After shampooing your hair, use 2oz. of brown vinegar (if hair is dark or in brown category) or white vinegar (if hair is grey, light, or colored blonde) to 8oz of water. Mix. pour over hair and work it through.

Rinse. Do not shampoo. Hair will smell fresh, and your scalp will have an astringent treatment as well. The vinegar closes the cuticle of the hair, thus, letting the hair reflect light .The hair will shine like a new dime! Vinegar rinses also help keep down bacteria growth on the scalp and cures dandruff.

For more Hair Care Tips, Hairstyles Pictures and Beauty Tips visit us

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Flat Hair? Need a Lift?

Is your hair flat and without volume? Sometimes this is caused by poor shampooing techniques. (For example, if you're not rinsing your hair correctly after a shampoo, residue from your shampoo may be weighing your hair down.) Sometimes it's poor hair styling techniques. Sometimes it's poor hair products. Sometimes, it's just nature at work.

To increase your hair's volume, first make sure you are using the right shampoo for your hair type. Oily hair is prone to being flat, so if your hair lacks volume it is a sure bet that your hair is the oily type. Look for a mild, volumizing shampoo that is geared for oily hair. Wash your hair carefully before bedtime, mixing the shampoo carefully throughout your scalp and roots. You want to focus on the roots more than the ends. Use warm water to rinse because you want the cuticles to remain open to receive your conditioner. Apply a volumizing conditioner, concentrating it on the ends of the hair, not the roots. Rinse with cool water to close the cuticles and seal-in the conditioners.

Don't brush your hair right away -- gently pat it with a towel to remove most of the water. Mist your hair lightly with a pure silicone styling product to help detangle your hair, take out the frizz and seal in moisture. Then gently comb your hair. If you've got a blow-dryer, give it a quick burst, focusing on the roots. And expert stylists recommend that you blow dry your hair with your head upside down for volume.

If your hair is long enough, take a scrunchy, pull it all to the top of your head and make a loose ponytail. It's important not to put tension on the hair -- don't make it tight. You're just gathering the hair so that when you lay down, it's stretched out on the pillow, not trapped beneath you.

When you wake up, your hair will have more volume. Add a little water to help you style it and be sure to use a pure silicone product to lock in the moisture, maintain the volume and eliminate frizz.

Donn Monroe has been an expert developer of new hair products for many years, having worked for several Fortune 500 companies. He is on a mission to deliver the most effective hair styling products and tips available. And he has helped 1000's of women with his hair styling products and advice. For samples of Simply Stylin' products and more hair care tips, go to

Celebrity Hair Styles: Tricks Of The Trade

When you think of your favorite hairstyle, does a certain celebrity come to mind? If you said “yes”, you’re one of millions of women and even men that find celebrity hair-styles the way to go. After all, they are the trendsetters. So, what’s their tips and secrets or is their locks just airbrushed perfect in those magazines? After much research, we’ve narrowed the list to 10 of the best tips and secrets available, both from celebrities and their stylists:

· Celebrity hair styles Tip #1- For that over the top curl look, use a curling iron on parts of the hair and a waving iron on other parts. For the best straight look simply use a flattening iron, but apply a conditioning mist to the dry hair prior to using any heat; this eliminates frizz and static.

· Celebrity hair styles Tip #2- To create highlights for curly hair; try putting in the color vertically; this helps define the curls. For straighter hair, paint the highlights on in a starburst fashion, across the entire surface of the hair. Keep highlights within two shades of your natural color.

· Celebrity hair styles Tip #3- Use products specifically made for color treated hair when you have any type of highlights, lowlights or coloring on your hair. Always use a leave-in conditioner in the hair and use those that contain sunscreen.

· Celebrity hair styles Tip #4- For frizz free curls and to combat those split ends, try sleeping on a satin pillow.

· Celebrity hair styles Tip #5- If you suffer from dandruff, try using two ground-up aspirins in your shampoo once every week. Most dandruff shampoos can strip away color from color-treated hair; this great tip doesn’t do that at all.

· Celebrity hair styles Tip #6- Avoid brushing your hair, instead use a wide-tooth-comb or your fingers.

· Celebrity hair styles Tip #7- Use one tablespoon of baking soda mixed with two tablespoons of shampoo to clarify your hair; but only once a week. Otherwise, you may strip the hair completely of natural oils.

· Celebrity hair styles Tip #8- Avoid blow dryers if possible, towel dry your hair until all the moisture is out. Then allow it to air dry the rest of the way.

· Celebrity hair styles Tip #9- Apply a leave-in conditioner prior to going to sleep; then wash out in the morning.

· Celebrity hair styles Tip #10- After washing, apply conditioner, then rinse well with warm water; then apply a cold water rinse from roots to ends. This will add shine to your hair.

J. Williams writes a free hairstyles tips and tricks newsletter. Sign up today!

The 30-Day Ponytail Challenge

I caught myself putting my hair up in a ponytail for the fifth time last week, and I realized that something's got to change. Why is it that moms seem to relegate themselves to that old standby ponytail every single day? And if it's not the ponytail, then it's the big, fat hair clip. I am sending out a personal challenge to say "NO!" to the ponytail/hair clip do for 30 days. Can you do it? I bet you can!! If you are blessed enough to have a head of hair, then take care of it and show it off!

Shine It-If your hair is suffering form the dried-out doldrums, then try some natural conditioners. A can of beer poured through your hair is a perfect way to bring out the shine. Vinegar also works very well to make your hair practically glisten. And as long as you seal the hair cuticle with a blast of cold water, you don't have to worry about going around smelling like a brewery or an Easter egg.

Condition It-I read once that mayonnaise works fabulously as a natural hair conditioner. I tried it and nearly gagged (gross!). If you are looking for something to work as a great natural hair conditionar, try egg yolk and olive oil. The protein penetrates the hair shaft and the oil seals it in a layer of softness. However, keep in mind that most people who need conditioner only need it on the lower portion of the hair and not the crown. If you put too much conditioner on the crown of your head, it can make your whole head look oily.

Detanble It-I paid a hefty price tag for those fancy detangling hair sprays until I realized that I could make it myself for a tiny fraction of the cost. Buy a bottle of volumizing conditioner. It's important to get volumizing so that it doesn't make your hair lie flat. In a spray bottle, put a squirt of the conditioner and fill the rest up with water (the ratio will vary depending on how tangled your hair usually gets).

Style It-This is the kicker for most busy moms. We barely have time to blow dry our hair, much less style it. However, there are always a few minutes here and there. Hot rollers are making a come back and they are so easy. Just spend a few minutes rolling it and go on with your household duties. When you're finished, take out the rollers, fluff out your hair, and you're done. For quick fixes, headbands are awesome and there are so many cool ones out now. Styling is really not that difficult and it makes such a huge difference. So, go ahead and take my 30-Day Ponytail Challenge. You'll be glad you did!

Hannah Keeley is the founder of and the mother of seven kids. She is the author of "Hannah's Art of Home" and "Hannah Keeley's Total Mom Makeover," and has appeared on the Today show, Fox and Friends, and the Rachael Ray show.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The Secret of Good Hair Care

The secret to a good hair care is to know what your hair wants and needs, like know your hair texture (dry, normal or oily). Another thing to keep in mind is about the right kind of products suited to your hair. There are loads of products calling for your attention; but choose the one that suits you the best.

In today's world, one hardly has time to go to a beauty parlor and sit there for hours to get soft, shiny, smooth hair. By following simple rules, you too can have great hair right at your home.

These rules are:

Avoid over-washing your hair. Short hair is easier to wash daily but not long hair. Over washing will dry the hair and make them brittle. Don't apply shampoo directly to the roots. Start from the nape and then work it through the rest of your hair. Distribute conditioner evenly through your hair. Use a comb to spread the conditioner evenly through your hair. Avoid twisting of wet hair. It may be convenient, but try to avoid wrapping your hair in a towel and leaving it twisted up on your head for long. It can damage your hair.

Avoid using hair dryer everyday. Allow your hair to dry naturally whenever possible. Deep conditioning treatment: Once a week give your hair a deep conditioning treatment. For this home deep conditioning treatment all you need is an egg and 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise. Wet hair and gently massage beaten egg through it. Leave on for 3 minutes then wash off with warm water. Massage in mayonnaise and wrap a hot towel around your head for 30 minutes. Shampoo off with warm water. You won't need a conditioner and will be a proud owner of shiny, soft, conditioned hair.

Another weekly conditioning hair pack can be made using henna and egg. Mix henna with egg and leave it over night in an iron vessel. Apply this paste in the morning on clean hair and leave it for half an hour for natural conditioning before washing with your usual shampoo. Do not comb your hair when wet. This may cause to hair breakage as it become very weak during this time.

A good hair massage before washing your hair can do wonders. Massage in warm olive oil or coconut oil and leave for 30-40 minutes before washing. Regular massage with castor oil as a hair oil helps the luxuriant growth of the hair.

Do not wash your hair with very hot water. Always use lukewarm water. Regular use of coconut milk on your scalp would make your hair silky and also improves hair growth.

These are some tips to get healthy and beautiful hair. Remember to follow your routine regularly to get good results. If changing your product, stick to the new one for a month or two to see the results. Natural products are harmless and cheaper too.

An apple a day keeps the doctor away but did you know that it aids in hair growth too? Research has shown there are various ways of using apple or its forms to maintain a healthy crop of hair. Apple cider vinegar, made from apples, is an amazing hair tonic. Visit: Please add your inputs on Natural Hair Growth Blog.

Jojoba Oil - Jojoba Oil Benefits For Hair Loss

Jojoba Oil is fast emerging as a mystical elixir of life for hair and the fight against hair loss. Though it is not the "be all and end all" as far as the perfect solution for hair problems is concerned, it is an excellent hair treatment for dry hair and a natural hair conditioner acting similar to and having the properties of sebaceous oil (sebum).

A Hair Conditioner and a Moisturizer

Sebaceous glands of the scalp produce a natural oil called 'sebum', whose structure resembles the inherent structure of Jojoba oil. Sebum is needed to moisturize the scalp and thus maintain beautiful and healthy hair. Jojoba oil has the same qualities and hence, the regular use of Jojoba oil, makes your hair more resistant to detrimental factors such as tangles, dryness or even split ends.

The Jojoba Beauty Product

Jojoba oil can be applied to hair in its purest form, or else can be bought as a mixture of various components, with Jojoba as its major component. It would be a good idea to go for the mixture as it would also include extracts such as Lavender, Rosemary Oil, Comfrey and a wonderful fragrance.

Not only would your hair get the benefit of Jojoba Oil but also benefit from the effects of these extracts that would heal the hair and offer more nourishment.

For Dry, Wavy, and Coarse Hair

Jojoba oil is not only a great way to condition your hair, but it also can be used repeatedly meaning it won't have any side effects on your hair. This is because there is no artificial chemical content in this oil. More importantly, it can be applied easily and is also easy to shampoo out. No longer do you have to shampoo your head vigorously to remove those spots of oil that stick to your hair.

In the end if you are going for a hot oil treatment, rest assured all of them are quite messy, but the mess has a very positive effect on your hair and hence is worth it.

Extra Protection and Healing

Jojoba oil offers extra protection to your hair. Coupled with the conditioning effects that will make your hair soft and silky, it is a great choice for use as a scalp and hair care product.

It is scientifically proven that Jojoba oil does have healing properties and effects hair in a wholly positive manner, much more than other oils. Moreover, the oil can be used on all types of hair.

The market is replete with various compositions that include Jojoba oil in its various concentrations. Your choice of the concentration; whether, heavy, medium, or light will be dependent on the type of hair and your overall dry hair moisturizer care needs.

For more information on hair growth, vitamins for hair growth, hair loss, hair vitamins, and shampoos for hair loss, faster growing hair, and hair growth, visit

Monday, November 17, 2008

Ceramic Hair Straightener Explained

People with curly hair can now look at themselves in straight hair with the latest hair style found in the market, hair straightening. There are many procedures to adopt for hair straightening, of which ceramic hair straightener is one of them.

Ceramic hair irons are tools having ceramic plates that are found on one of its end. You have to section off some areas of your hair and then draw the hair across the surface of the heated plates of the ceramic hair iron to get your hair straightened. As the ceramic material found on the ceramic hair straightener iron is smooth, it gives off ions that help by changing the structure of hair. With this, curly hair can be straightened to straight hair.

There are many hair straighteners in the market for you to choose your ceramic hair iron from. One of the more popular brands is the Sedu flat iron. The different hair straighteners are available at different rates. It is not important to buy the most expensive hair straightener, moderately priced hair straighteners work just as well. Whichever hair straightener you choose, it is important that your hair is completely dry before using the ceramic hair straightener as the heat can damage the hair shaft.

The Sedu ceramic flat iron is a hair straightener that is built to negate tugging actions that other hair straighteners adopt and with which hair breaks and gets damaged. It heats faster than most hair straighteners and you need less time to style hair. This proves to be an advantage to you as it limits hair damage and lets you style your hair efficiently. If you have curly, coarse or hard hair, you can use higher heat settings while your hair does not get damaged. It is generally better to use some styling products like conditioner before using Sedu ceramic hair straighteners.

Find more about Ceramic hair straightener irons from experts on

Wondering How to Take Better Care of Your Hair

We all know that everyone has differing opinions on how someone should take care of their hair. The information will differ based on your hair type, length and other considerations. Nevertheless, there are very basic rules to taking care of your hair as well.

One of the most basic things that you can do to ensure that your hair looks it's best is to use the right shampoo and conditioner. Your hair is only as good as the products that you put it in. Using those products correctly will also help to give you more confidence in the way that it looks too. Now of course.. there are hundreds of shampoos and conditioners to choose from and when you look at the price there's quite a range there as well to consider. Typically what you'll also find is that some of the big names in professional grade products tend to have very moisturized, rich and thick products. Many of your lower end products tend to be much thinner. You should also consider that there are shampoos and conditioners that are designed specifically for short hair, long hair, fine hair, thick hair, medium hair, curly and coarse hair. So you should be careful to read the labels and know what you're getting.

Now in terms of keeping your hair "natural", well that's okay too, but there's definitely a significant difference when you use the right shampoo, conditioner and other beautifying products. However, if natural is very important to you then make sure that you look out for natural hair products that are still going to have a major impact on your hair.

Of course, the reality of things is that it's easier not to do anything with your hair but your hair needs some tender loving care too and it shows when hair has been neglected. So if there's anything to take from this informational piece, it is that loving your hair isn't about just waking up in the morning and combing it. Hair care is about you putting the right things in your hair to keep it looking great always.

Fore more information on hair please visit us at

The Basics of Healthy Hair

Is your hair dry and brittle? Is it greasy and flat? Puffy, stringy, frizzy, the list goes on and on. There are so many things that can go wrong with our hair. So here are the basics thing to keep your hair healthy and in beautiful condition.

Scrub-a-dub-dub! Everyone knows that you have to shampoo your hair, otherwise you have tons of gross buildup and it just won't cooperate. Conditioner is just as important otherwise you won't even be able to comb your hair, much less style it. It's very important to pick a quality shampoo and conditioner fit for your hair type. Say you have color-treated hair; you get color-protective shampoo and conditioner. Makes sense right? Right. Now, its pretty much just lather, rinse, (only repeat for VERY dirty oily hair) condition, and rinse again. But there are some helpful tricks to it. When you shampoo, don’t be too rough with your hair or you'll damage the cuticle. Always be sure the shampoo is completely rinsed. When conditioning, focus on the ends of your hair as they are most prone to breakage and therefore tangles. The water should be cold when you do the last rinse out with your conditioner. It helps seal the cuticle (basically, hair strand), making it so your hair appears shinier.

Once your hair is clean and fresh, you'll probably want to use a shine serum or detangling solution on it. Gently pat your hair dry as much as possible with your towel and squeeze a small amount of product into your hand. I like Biosilk Silk Therapy Treatment. Massage the product into your hair gently, again focusing mostly on the ends. Avoid the roots, as they can look greasy with shine serum on them. Now it's time for blow-drying. If you have curly hair, you'll want to use a diffuser so you don’t frizz your curls. Otherwise, you shouldn't need any attachments. Pointing the nozzle down, blow-dry your hair from five inches away. Make sure not to hold it in one spot, or it'll get fried. Once hair is semi-dry, lift hair in sections with your fingers and blow-dry a section at a time. This will keep your hair from being flat when it's done being blow-dried.

Flipped-out or curled under? Spiraled, waved? Now you have to decide what you want to day with you hair unless you like it just blow-dried. Check out iVillage's Virtual Hairstylist below for some great ideas. They even tell you how to do it! Is that not the coolest thing ever?!?

Written By: Katie Weaver & Debbie Frantzen

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Split Ends Treatment Remedy

Split ends occur when the hair strand "fractures" on the end. Split ends in the hair are the most common hair problem that every woman faces. Split ends occur when your hair's cuticle wears down. Trichoptlosis or split ends occur when the protective cuticle is stripped away from the ends of the hair. Split ends are more common when the hair is dry or brittle. Hair is more delicate and vulnerable to splitting when it's wet, so never brush wet hair. Gently comb it with a wide-tooth comb. Don't brush too vigorously, as tension caused by brushing promotes splitting. Instead, brush gently from crown to ends using a soft-bristled brush.

Wait at least two weeks between chemical treatments such as perming and coloring, which, when used one after the other, can be extremely damaging to hair. Over heating hair can cause split ends. Always use a heat protection spray before using a hair dryer or straighteners. Protect your hair by using a shampoo made for split ends, and use an anti-breakage conditioner. However, realize that many shampoos only cover up the problem, not cure it. Apply a leave-in conditioner or pomade to the ends of your hair daily to keep them strong.

Split ends should not be left unattended. Some splits can split right up the entire hair shaft or else the split ends themselves will actually split, leaving you with split split ends. Use a clarifying shampoo about once a month...silicone builds up, which you want, because keeps the split ends "bonded" to hair so they can not be seen. Avoid vent brushes with plastic bristles. These can cause further damage by ripping through the hair. On dry hair, use a wide brush with a foam pad that allows more give.

Try not to shampoo every day if you have dry hair. Protect hair when heat-styling. Apply a leave-in conditioner. Carefully remove the split ends; this will give your hair a natural layered effect. Try to cut about the same amount of hair. Cutting your hair is the best way of getting rid of split ends. It is the simplest and least expensive method to remove split ends. Hair dryers, curling irons, perms and hair colors all damage hair. If you must blow-dry, use a cool setting and keep the dryer 6 inches (15 cm) from your hair.

Split Ends Treatment Tips

1. Protect your hair by using a shampoo made for split ends, and use an anti-breakage conditioner.

2. Shampoo hair and use a moisturizing formula like Phytojoba or similar.

3. Use a good rinse out conditioner making sure to slather the ends where the splits exist.

4. Detangle your strands with a wide tooth comb.

5. Use a large paddle or round brush and a blow dryer and blow your hair completely dry.

6. In winter, biting winds can cause split ends. Invest in a cool hat to wrap up your hair.

7. Don't vigorously brush hair when it is wet. Hair will snap and break, causing split ends.

8. Don't tie your hair back with an elastic band. Always use a soft covered scrunchie or band.

9. Get hair trimmed regularly to get rid of any split ends.

10. Always use coated or covered rubber bands.

Juliet Cohen is an expert in Hair Styles . Information on Split Ends and Hair Care

Tricomin-Advanced Care For Thinning Hair

Is excessive hair loss causing you misery? Do you confine yourself indoors because of your baldness or hair thinning? Try Combat’s Hair Loss treatment for effective results. Before you opt for any hair loss treatment, it’s important to analyze the causes. Although there are various reasons for hair loss, the most common is androgenic alopecia or hereditary hair loss. Other causes include hormonal imbalance, stress, hair styling and inadequate intake of protein and calcium. In women, childbirth results in temporary hair fall. Certain medications like those given for gout, arthritis, acne and cancer result in hair thinning and shedding.

Combat Hair Loss proposes five types of hair loss treatments for both male and female. These include DHT inhibitors, Super Oxide Dismutase Treatments(SODs) Growth stimulators, Anti-Androgens, and Anti-Inflammatory’s. Among the ones available in the market, Procerin and Revivogen are DHT inhibitors, while Rogaine and Tricomin are growth stimulators. Tricomin is also used for SOD treatment and Anti-inflammatory’s.

Tricomin is a therapy spray that is applied topically. It is part of a suite of products that include a shampoo, conditioner, and conditioning shampoo. Among all the solutions, Tricomin is one of the most unique and successful hair loss treatments. Unlike Procerin, it doesn't inhibit DHT to stop the cause of hair loss, and unlike Minoxidil, it doesn't use Potassium Channel openers to stimulate hair growth.

It is best suited for treating hair loss in women since Tricomin isn’t an anti-androgenic type treatment. If you use this treatment in conjunction with Minoxidil, which also stimulates hair growth it is sure to produce excellent results.

Tricomin product line includes Tricomin Solution Follicle Therapy Spray that lasts for two to three months, Tricomin Solution Follicle Therapy Spray Double Pack, Tricomin Combination Pack 1 and 2, Tricomin Revitalizing Shampoo, Tricomin Restructuring Conditioner, Tricomin Deep Conditioning Treatment and Tricomin Conditioning Shampoo.

Follicle Therapy Spray combines the benefits of clinically-tested Triamino Copper Nutritional ComplexT with an exceptional leave-in conditioner formulation. Tricomin Solution enriches your hair and scalp with a unique blend of essential amino acids, minerals and body-building ingredients.

Order your pack now from and get back your lost, lustrous hair.

Andrew Adler writes for

Want Longer Hair in Less Than an Hour?

Hair extensions can be fun and let you have the long hair you have wanted for a while! There are three major categories: Strand by strand extensions, weft extensions, and clip-on extensions. Most of the extensions look the same, but there are different ways of taking care of them, brushing them, etc.

Weft extensions are attached one row of hair at a time as opposed to strand by strand extensions which are small strands of the hair is attached one by one to small sections of your own hair by either weaving, gluing, heat fusing, clamping with metal tubes or using waxes and polymers. Depending on how well you take care of your extensions and how fast your hair grows they last from 2-6 months. Also, most of the time the hair extensions are real human hair, and you just have to find the color that best matches your hair. Hair extensions are usually found at most beauty supply stores.

All hair extensions, no matter what kind you get, must be washed and taken care of. Remember, it is real hair, so you wash it with shampoo and conditioner. It is really up to you how you want to wash them. If they are attached to your hair, you will have to wash them in the shower. Brush your hair gently before you shower to get any tangles out. Shampoo and conditioner like normal. Be extra gentle though. Also, try not to blow dry often. The heat may melt the glue if it is too hot. If they are clip ins, take them out, brush them like normal, shampoo and conditioner, brush them out again, and then lay them out to dry. Simple!

I just got hair extensions last week. Mine are strand by strand extensions, and were applied by heat fusion. I love it! It looks real, you can not even tell they are extensions! My hair is black, and so is the glue, so you can not see it!! I have to be extra careful brushing and combing my hair. It is a good idea to hold your hair (like in a ponytail) with your hands and brush/comb it like that. This way, the brush won't catch where the glue is and pull it out if you were to brush too roughly.

Hair extensions are really neat, especially if you are wanting your hair to grow longer. You can have long hair while waiting for your hair to grow out! I have also heard it makes your hair grow faster, but I am not sure about that one. Here are some other sites that may be able to help you!

Columbus Beauty Salons

Columbus Shopping Malls

Thursday, November 13, 2008

The 30-Day Ponytail Challenge

I caught myself putting my hair up in a ponytail for the fifth time last week, and I realized that something's got to change. Why is it that moms seem to relegate themselves to that old standby ponytail every single day? And if it's not the ponytail, then it's the big, fat hair clip. I am sending out a personal challenge to say "NO!" to the ponytail/hair clip do for 30 days. Can you do it? I bet you can!! If you are blessed enough to have a head of hair, then take care of it and show it off!

Shine It-If your hair is suffering form the dried-out doldrums, then try some natural conditioners. A can of beer poured through your hair is a perfect way to bring out the shine. Vinegar also works very well to make your hair practically glisten. And as long as you seal the hair cuticle with a blast of cold water, you don't have to worry about going around smelling like a brewery or an Easter egg.

Condition It-I read once that mayonnaise works fabulously as a natural hair conditioner. I tried it and nearly gagged (gross!). If you are looking for something to work as a great natural hair conditionar, try egg yolk and olive oil. The protein penetrates the hair shaft and the oil seals it in a layer of softness. However, keep in mind that most people who need conditioner only need it on the lower portion of the hair and not the crown. If you put too much conditioner on the crown of your head, it can make your whole head look oily.

Detanble It-I paid a hefty price tag for those fancy detangling hair sprays until I realized that I could make it myself for a tiny fraction of the cost. Buy a bottle of volumizing conditioner. It's important to get volumizing so that it doesn't make your hair lie flat. In a spray bottle, put a squirt of the conditioner and fill the rest up with water (the ratio will vary depending on how tangled your hair usually gets).

Style It-This is the kicker for most busy moms. We barely have time to blow dry our hair, much less style it. However, there are always a few minutes here and there. Hot rollers are making a come back and they are so easy. Just spend a few minutes rolling it and go on with your household duties. When you're finished, take out the rollers, fluff out your hair, and you're done. For quick fixes, headbands are awesome and there are so many cool ones out now. Styling is really not that difficult and it makes such a huge difference. So, go ahead and take my 30-Day Ponytail Challenge. You'll be glad you did!

Hannah Keeley is the founder of and the mother of seven kids. She is the author of "Hannah's Art of Home" and "Hannah Keeley's Total Mom Makeover," and has appeared on the Today show, Fox and Friends, and the Rachael Ray show.

Split Ends Treatment Remedy

Split ends occur when the hair strand "fractures" on the end. Split ends in the hair are the most common hair problem that every woman faces. Split ends occur when your hair's cuticle wears down. Trichoptlosis or split ends occur when the protective cuticle is stripped away from the ends of the hair. Split ends are more common when the hair is dry or brittle. Hair is more delicate and vulnerable to splitting when it's wet, so never brush wet hair. Gently comb it with a wide-tooth comb. Don't brush too vigorously, as tension caused by brushing promotes splitting. Instead, brush gently from crown to ends using a soft-bristled brush.

Wait at least two weeks between chemical treatments such as perming and coloring, which, when used one after the other, can be extremely damaging to hair. Over heating hair can cause split ends. Always use a heat protection spray before using a hair dryer or straighteners. Protect your hair by using a shampoo made for split ends, and use an anti-breakage conditioner. However, realize that many shampoos only cover up the problem, not cure it. Apply a leave-in conditioner or pomade to the ends of your hair daily to keep them strong.

Split ends should not be left unattended. Some splits can split right up the entire hair shaft or else the split ends themselves will actually split, leaving you with split split ends. Use a clarifying shampoo about once a month...silicone builds up, which you want, because keeps the split ends "bonded" to hair so they can not be seen. Avoid vent brushes with plastic bristles. These can cause further damage by ripping through the hair. On dry hair, use a wide brush with a foam pad that allows more give.

Try not to shampoo every day if you have dry hair. Protect hair when heat-styling. Apply a leave-in conditioner. Carefully remove the split ends; this will give your hair a natural layered effect. Try to cut about the same amount of hair. Cutting your hair is the best way of getting rid of split ends. It is the simplest and least expensive method to remove split ends. Hair dryers, curling irons, perms and hair colors all damage hair. If you must blow-dry, use a cool setting and keep the dryer 6 inches (15 cm) from your hair.

Split Ends Treatment Tips

1. Protect your hair by using a shampoo made for split ends, and use an anti-breakage conditioner.

2. Shampoo hair and use a moisturizing formula like Phytojoba or similar.

3. Use a good rinse out conditioner making sure to slather the ends where the splits exist.

4. Detangle your strands with a wide tooth comb.

5. Use a large paddle or round brush and a blow dryer and blow your hair completely dry.

6. In winter, biting winds can cause split ends. Invest in a cool hat to wrap up your hair.

7. Don't vigorously brush hair when it is wet. Hair will snap and break, causing split ends.

8. Don't tie your hair back with an elastic band. Always use a soft covered scrunchie or band.

9. Get hair trimmed regularly to get rid of any split ends.

10. Always use coated or covered rubber bands.

Juliet Cohen is an expert in Hair Styles . Information on Split Ends and Hair Care

Tricomin-Advanced Care For Thinning Hair

Is excessive hair loss causing you misery? Do you confine yourself indoors because of your baldness or hair thinning? Try Combat’s Hair Loss treatment for effective results. Before you opt for any hair loss treatment, it’s important to analyze the causes. Although there are various reasons for hair loss, the most common is androgenic alopecia or hereditary hair loss. Other causes include hormonal imbalance, stress, hair styling and inadequate intake of protein and calcium. In women, childbirth results in temporary hair fall. Certain medications like those given for gout, arthritis, acne and cancer result in hair thinning and shedding.

Combat Hair Loss proposes five types of hair loss treatments for both male and female. These include DHT inhibitors, Super Oxide Dismutase Treatments(SODs) Growth stimulators, Anti-Androgens, and Anti-Inflammatory’s. Among the ones available in the market, Procerin and Revivogen are DHT inhibitors, while Rogaine and Tricomin are growth stimulators. Tricomin is also used for SOD treatment and Anti-inflammatory’s.

Tricomin is a therapy spray that is applied topically. It is part of a suite of products that include a shampoo, conditioner, and conditioning shampoo. Among all the solutions, Tricomin is one of the most unique and successful hair loss treatments. Unlike Procerin, it doesn't inhibit DHT to stop the cause of hair loss, and unlike Minoxidil, it doesn't use Potassium Channel openers to stimulate hair growth.

It is best suited for treating hair loss in women since Tricomin isn’t an anti-androgenic type treatment. If you use this treatment in conjunction with Minoxidil, which also stimulates hair growth it is sure to produce excellent results.

Tricomin product line includes Tricomin Solution Follicle Therapy Spray that lasts for two to three months, Tricomin Solution Follicle Therapy Spray Double Pack, Tricomin Combination Pack 1 and 2, Tricomin Revitalizing Shampoo, Tricomin Restructuring Conditioner, Tricomin Deep Conditioning Treatment and Tricomin Conditioning Shampoo.

Follicle Therapy Spray combines the benefits of clinically-tested Triamino Copper Nutritional ComplexT with an exceptional leave-in conditioner formulation. Tricomin Solution enriches your hair and scalp with a unique blend of essential amino acids, minerals and body-building ingredients.

Order your pack now from and get back your lost, lustrous hair.

Andrew Adler writes for

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Want Longer Hair in Less Than an Hour?

Hair extensions can be fun and let you have the long hair you have wanted for a while! There are three major categories: Strand by strand extensions, weft extensions, and clip-on extensions. Most of the extensions look the same, but there are different ways of taking care of them, brushing them, etc.

Weft extensions are attached one row of hair at a time as opposed to strand by strand extensions which are small strands of the hair is attached one by one to small sections of your own hair by either weaving, gluing, heat fusing, clamping with metal tubes or using waxes and polymers. Depending on how well you take care of your extensions and how fast your hair grows they last from 2-6 months. Also, most of the time the hair extensions are real human hair, and you just have to find the color that best matches your hair. Hair extensions are usually found at most beauty supply stores.

All hair extensions, no matter what kind you get, must be washed and taken care of. Remember, it is real hair, so you wash it with shampoo and conditioner. It is really up to you how you want to wash them. If they are attached to your hair, you will have to wash them in the shower. Brush your hair gently before you shower to get any tangles out. Shampoo and conditioner like normal. Be extra gentle though. Also, try not to blow dry often. The heat may melt the glue if it is too hot. If they are clip ins, take them out, brush them like normal, shampoo and conditioner, brush them out again, and then lay them out to dry. Simple!

I just got hair extensions last week. Mine are strand by strand extensions, and were applied by heat fusion. I love it! It looks real, you can not even tell they are extensions! My hair is black, and so is the glue, so you can not see it!! I have to be extra careful brushing and combing my hair. It is a good idea to hold your hair (like in a ponytail) with your hands and brush/comb it like that. This way, the brush won't catch where the glue is and pull it out if you were to brush too roughly.

Hair extensions are really neat, especially if you are wanting your hair to grow longer. You can have long hair while waiting for your hair to grow out! I have also heard it makes your hair grow faster, but I am not sure about that one. Here are some other sites that may be able to help you!

Columbus Beauty Salons

Columbus Shopping Malls

Hair Care Home Remedies

Save money and give yourself a break from the chemicals found in most hair care products by using the following natural home remedies.

Tame your frizzy hair by rubbing coconut oil into your hands and applying sparingly onto your hair. You don't want to overdo it - too much will make your hair look greasy. Shampooing your hair less frequently also helps with the frizzies. Excess shampooing strips natural oils from the hair.

Rinse your hair with one tablespoon baking soda mixed with one cup of water to get rid of shampoo build-up and styling residues.

Rinsing your hair with one juiced lemon and one cup of water is said to bring life and shine back to dull hair.

1/2 cup of apple cider vinegar mixed with two cups of water will give your hair shine and bounce.

Add essential oil of ylang ylang to your shampoo, conditioner and styling agents as a hair rejuvenator.

Ylang ylang and rosemary essential oils are also believed to stimulate hair growth.

Drinking plenty of water and eating plenty of raw fruits and vegetables and getting plenty of rest is probably the best way to achieving healthy hair.

What goes into your body is reflective on the outside including your hair.

Elizabeth Kiely is the owner of EK Shower Caps:

How to Style Curly Hair

Over 60 percent of all women have curly or wavy hair. More and more of these 60 percent are starting to wear their hair curly. Six years ago, straight hair may have been in, but today the natural look is in and that means wearing your hair as is, especially if it's curly. If you have curly hair and want to style it curly after having worn it straight for years, you might be at a loss as to how you should style it. Good news, if you hated spending hours on your hair straightening it every morning, you are in for a treat if you are going to start wearing it curly. It takes only a few minutes to style curly hair.

Before wearing your hair curly, there are two important things you must know. First, curly hair is often inconsistent and may not always behave. One day you might have perfect curls and then you may never be able to copy that look again. Luckily, you can make it look great even if it doesn't, always look the same. Second, curly hair needs moisture. Always avoid things that will dry out your hair such as bleach, hair dryers, and straightening and curling irons, and moisturize as much as possible. Use a moisturizing daily conditioner and use a deep conditioner every week. If the extra moisture makes your hair oily, concentrate the extra moisture away from your scalp where the oil is produced and closer to the older, dryer ends.

In order to begin styling your hair, first wash and condition it, and then leave it soaking wet to prepare for the product. Next, in your hand, squeeze about a dime size amount for short hair or a quarter size amount or more for long hair, of leave-in conditioner. Next, squeeze in an equal amount of curling gel. You can add in a pump or two of defrizzing serum if you'd like. Mix it together well and rub it between your hands. Rake the mixture evenly throughout your soaking wet hair and scrunch your hair up towards your head to help it curl.

You can add the products to your hair with your head upside down for more volume. Let your hair air dry or use a diffuser for a few minutes on a low cool setting to help it along. Once it is dry, scrunch your hair a bit if it's crunchy, and then enjoy your perfect curls.

If you want to find some more hairstyles for curly hair and learn about how to care for curly hair, go to for more information.

Monday, November 10, 2008

The Basics of Healthy Hair

Is your hair dry and brittle? Is it greasy and flat? Puffy, stringy, frizzy, the list goes on and on. There are so many things that can go wrong with our hair. So here are the basics thing to keep your hair healthy and in beautiful condition.

Scrub-a-dub-dub! Everyone knows that you have to shampoo your hair, otherwise you have tons of gross buildup and it just won't cooperate. Conditioner is just as important otherwise you won't even be able to comb your hair, much less style it. It's very important to pick a quality shampoo and conditioner fit for your hair type. Say you have color-treated hair; you get color-protective shampoo and conditioner. Makes sense right? Right. Now, its pretty much just lather, rinse, (only repeat for VERY dirty oily hair) condition, and rinse again. But there are some helpful tricks to it. When you shampoo, don’t be too rough with your hair or you'll damage the cuticle. Always be sure the shampoo is completely rinsed. When conditioning, focus on the ends of your hair as they are most prone to breakage and therefore tangles. The water should be cold when you do the last rinse out with your conditioner. It helps seal the cuticle (basically, hair strand), making it so your hair appears shinier.

Once your hair is clean and fresh, you'll probably want to use a shine serum or detangling solution on it. Gently pat your hair dry as much as possible with your towel and squeeze a small amount of product into your hand. I like Biosilk Silk Therapy Treatment. Massage the product into your hair gently, again focusing mostly on the ends. Avoid the roots, as they can look greasy with shine serum on them. Now it's time for blow-drying. If you have curly hair, you'll want to use a diffuser so you don’t frizz your curls. Otherwise, you shouldn't need any attachments. Pointing the nozzle down, blow-dry your hair from five inches away. Make sure not to hold it in one spot, or it'll get fried. Once hair is semi-dry, lift hair in sections with your fingers and blow-dry a section at a time. This will keep your hair from being flat when it's done being blow-dried.

Flipped-out or curled under? Spiraled, waved? Now you have to decide what you want to day with you hair unless you like it just blow-dried. Check out iVillage's Virtual Hairstylist below for some great ideas. They even tell you how to do it! Is that not the coolest thing ever?!?

Written By: Katie Weaver & Debbie Frantzen

Simple Hair Care Tips That Can Save You Fortune on Hair Care

Hair is an influential part of our personality and having healthy and shinning hair costs a very good spell on our overall look. A scalp full of thick and healthy hair changes your overall personality to greater extent. To achieve and retain healthy and shinning hair is not very difficult. Basically it is all about hair care.

Hair care is related to hygiene and cosmetology involving the hair on the human head. Hair care differs according to your hair type and according to various processes that can be applied to hair.

It is very important to keep your hair clean and keep chemical treatments to a minimum to prevent damages to the hair. This can be achieved by adopting a good hair care routine.

Hair care is all about choosing correct hair care products

If you are looking to get the best possible results from your hair care routine, you will need to choose the shampoo and conditioner that matches your hair the best. This requires the knowledge of various types of hair.

There are three types of hair:

  • Normal Hair
  • Greasy Hair
  • Dry Hair

Normal Hair:

If your hair holds their style well, look good and healthy all the time and it has not been coloured or permed, than you have normal hair and you should choose a shampoo or conditioner designed for normal hair.

Greasy Hair:

If your hair tends to be limp, it lacks volume or looks flat, does not hold a style and becomes greasy after applying shampoo, you have greasy hair. This type of hair has many problems associated with it. Dust sticks to it very easily and it clings to itself and your scalp and most of all, it spoils your style. This condition is simply because of sebaceous glands being particularly active. Avoid running your fingures once you are finished with your styling. You can avoid your hair becoming greasy quite so soon in this way. You should also use shampoo or conditioner specially designed for greasy hair.

Dry Hair:

Your hair is dry if it feels rough and looks dull. Dry hair tangles easily and it is quite difficult to comb or brush it. It could be frizzy or liable to split ends as well. If your hair matches any of these criteria, it is possibly dry and you should use a shampoo specifically designed for dry hair.

Hair Care:

You can save your hair from damage if you follow some simple hair care routines.

When you wash your hair, let them hang naturally and rinse them thoroughly with warm water. Now lather up the necessary amount of shampoo on your hand and apply it to your hair. Work the shampoo into your hair by gentle massage with your fingertips and don't forget to let them hanging naturally. Now rinse and be careful not to rub your web hair too fiercely because at this stage they can be damaged very easily.

Rinse all the shampoo from your hair before applying conditioner. Now apply conditioner gently and thoroughly and spread it evenly over your hair. Leave it to work for a few minutes. When you rinse off the conditioner, make sure not to rub your wet hair.

Use a clean and dry towel to carefully pat your hair dry. At this stage you can use a comb or brush to gently loose out any tangles. It is still better to let your hair dry naturally though. Now you can apply a styling product if you like but do not use it too much.
Take special care when you use a dryer on your hair. Always use it on damp, towel dried hair and do not try to blow dry hair when the water is still dripping. Do not overheat your dryer. Keep the dryer moving constantly because if you concentrate the heat in one spot, it can damage your hair permanently as well.

Visit Hair Treatment website if you are having hair loss problems and would like to buy clinically proven hair loss medication.

Using Hair Dryers- 7 Tips For Great Results

Choosing a good hair dryer is essential if you are going to get good results. Anything less than 1500 watts is probably underpowered. Aim for the 1500 to 1800 watt range.

Keep the attachments and learn to use them. The nozzle is key to directing hot air to the right place when styling your hair.

The diffuser is important for diffusing the air over a wide area, and for adding volume or waves to the hair.

Here are 7 hair dryer tips that will help you get great looking hair:

1. Make sure you either move your hair or circulate the hair dryer over your hair to avoid heat damage from keeping the hair dryer on one specific area too long.

2. Choosing the correct shampoo and conditioner can have a big effect on your final result. Select a shampoo and conditioner specifically for your hair type, whether it is dry or oily, thick or fine, or colored.

3. Towel dry your hair before using a hair dryer. Droop your head upside down so the hair hangs loose and run your fingers through your hair as you use the hair dryer. When the hair is nearly dry use a styling brush. This method will do much to protect your hair from undue damage. Wet hair is fragile!

4. Divide your hair into sections when applying styling aids. Use your fingers or a comb to make sure all the strands receive even distribution of the styling product.

5. Practice keeping your elbows at shoulder level and use your wrists and lower arm to move the hair dryer and hold the brush. This will alleviate aching arms once you master this technique.

6. To give your hair more body, be sure to lift the hair from the roots with your styling brush, and blow against the direction of hair growth. Aim the nozzle of the hair dryer down the shaft of the hair.

7. Once your hair is completely dry and you have finished styling, put your hair dryer on the cold setting, tilt your head forward, and give your hair a blast of cold air to seal the style. This also helps avoid static.

Ionic and Tourmaline hair dryers are now available which produce negative ions and allow the hair to dry more quickly. Additionally these newer kinds of hair dryers add sheen, shine, and sleekiness to your hair. See resource box below.

Give your hair lightweight hold with all the nutrients and protection it needs:

For the lowest prices on ionic, ceramic, & tourmaline hair dryers:

Grow your hair up to 45% faster with Fortified Amino Scalp Therapy (F.A.S.T.):

Sunday, November 9, 2008

The 30-Day Ponytail Challenge

I caught myself putting my hair up in a ponytail for the fifth time last week, and I realized that something's got to change. Why is it that moms seem to relegate themselves to that old standby ponytail every single day? And if it's not the ponytail, then it's the big, fat hair clip. I am sending out a personal challenge to say "NO!" to the ponytail/hair clip do for 30 days. Can you do it? I bet you can!! If you are blessed enough to have a head of hair, then take care of it and show it off!

Shine It-If your hair is suffering form the dried-out doldrums, then try some natural conditioners. A can of beer poured through your hair is a perfect way to bring out the shine. Vinegar also works very well to make your hair practically glisten. And as long as you seal the hair cuticle with a blast of cold water, you don't have to worry about going around smelling like a brewery or an Easter egg.

Condition It-I read once that mayonnaise works fabulously as a natural hair conditioner. I tried it and nearly gagged (gross!). If you are looking for something to work as a great natural hair conditionar, try egg yolk and olive oil. The protein penetrates the hair shaft and the oil seals it in a layer of softness. However, keep in mind that most people who need conditioner only need it on the lower portion of the hair and not the crown. If you put too much conditioner on the crown of your head, it can make your whole head look oily.

Detanble It-I paid a hefty price tag for those fancy detangling hair sprays until I realized that I could make it myself for a tiny fraction of the cost. Buy a bottle of volumizing conditioner. It's important to get volumizing so that it doesn't make your hair lie flat. In a spray bottle, put a squirt of the conditioner and fill the rest up with water (the ratio will vary depending on how tangled your hair usually gets).

Style It-This is the kicker for most busy moms. We barely have time to blow dry our hair, much less style it. However, there are always a few minutes here and there. Hot rollers are making a come back and they are so easy. Just spend a few minutes rolling it and go on with your household duties. When you're finished, take out the rollers, fluff out your hair, and you're done. For quick fixes, headbands are awesome and there are so many cool ones out now. Styling is really not that difficult and it makes such a huge difference. So, go ahead and take my 30-Day Ponytail Challenge. You'll be glad you did!

Hannah Keeley is the founder of and the mother of seven kids. She is the author of "Hannah's Art of Home" and "Hannah Keeley's Total Mom Makeover," and has appeared on the Today show, Fox and Friends, and the Rachael Ray show.

Split Ends Treatment Remedy

Split ends occur when the hair strand "fractures" on the end. Split ends in the hair are the most common hair problem that every woman faces. Split ends occur when your hair's cuticle wears down. Trichoptlosis or split ends occur when the protective cuticle is stripped away from the ends of the hair. Split ends are more common when the hair is dry or brittle. Hair is more delicate and vulnerable to splitting when it's wet, so never brush wet hair. Gently comb it with a wide-tooth comb. Don't brush too vigorously, as tension caused by brushing promotes splitting. Instead, brush gently from crown to ends using a soft-bristled brush.

Wait at least two weeks between chemical treatments such as perming and coloring, which, when used one after the other, can be extremely damaging to hair. Over heating hair can cause split ends. Always use a heat protection spray before using a hair dryer or straighteners. Protect your hair by using a shampoo made for split ends, and use an anti-breakage conditioner. However, realize that many shampoos only cover up the problem, not cure it. Apply a leave-in conditioner or pomade to the ends of your hair daily to keep them strong.

Split ends should not be left unattended. Some splits can split right up the entire hair shaft or else the split ends themselves will actually split, leaving you with split split ends. Use a clarifying shampoo about once a month...silicone builds up, which you want, because keeps the split ends "bonded" to hair so they can not be seen. Avoid vent brushes with plastic bristles. These can cause further damage by ripping through the hair. On dry hair, use a wide brush with a foam pad that allows more give.

Try not to shampoo every day if you have dry hair. Protect hair when heat-styling. Apply a leave-in conditioner. Carefully remove the split ends; this will give your hair a natural layered effect. Try to cut about the same amount of hair. Cutting your hair is the best way of getting rid of split ends. It is the simplest and least expensive method to remove split ends. Hair dryers, curling irons, perms and hair colors all damage hair. If you must blow-dry, use a cool setting and keep the dryer 6 inches (15 cm) from your hair.

Split Ends Treatment Tips

1. Protect your hair by using a shampoo made for split ends, and use an anti-breakage conditioner.

2. Shampoo hair and use a moisturizing formula like Phytojoba or similar.

3. Use a good rinse out conditioner making sure to slather the ends where the splits exist.

4. Detangle your strands with a wide tooth comb.

5. Use a large paddle or round brush and a blow dryer and blow your hair completely dry.

6. In winter, biting winds can cause split ends. Invest in a cool hat to wrap up your hair.

7. Don't vigorously brush hair when it is wet. Hair will snap and break, causing split ends.

8. Don't tie your hair back with an elastic band. Always use a soft covered scrunchie or band.

9. Get hair trimmed regularly to get rid of any split ends.

10. Always use coated or covered rubber bands.

Juliet Cohen is an expert in Hair Styles . Information on Split Ends and Hair Care

Tricomin-Advanced Care For Thinning Hair

Is excessive hair loss causing you misery? Do you confine yourself indoors because of your baldness or hair thinning? Try Combat’s Hair Loss treatment for effective results. Before you opt for any hair loss treatment, it’s important to analyze the causes. Although there are various reasons for hair loss, the most common is androgenic alopecia or hereditary hair loss. Other causes include hormonal imbalance, stress, hair styling and inadequate intake of protein and calcium. In women, childbirth results in temporary hair fall. Certain medications like those given for gout, arthritis, acne and cancer result in hair thinning and shedding.

Combat Hair Loss proposes five types of hair loss treatments for both male and female. These include DHT inhibitors, Super Oxide Dismutase Treatments(SODs) Growth stimulators, Anti-Androgens, and Anti-Inflammatory’s. Among the ones available in the market, Procerin and Revivogen are DHT inhibitors, while Rogaine and Tricomin are growth stimulators. Tricomin is also used for SOD treatment and Anti-inflammatory’s.

Tricomin is a therapy spray that is applied topically. It is part of a suite of products that include a shampoo, conditioner, and conditioning shampoo. Among all the solutions, Tricomin is one of the most unique and successful hair loss treatments. Unlike Procerin, it doesn't inhibit DHT to stop the cause of hair loss, and unlike Minoxidil, it doesn't use Potassium Channel openers to stimulate hair growth.

It is best suited for treating hair loss in women since Tricomin isn’t an anti-androgenic type treatment. If you use this treatment in conjunction with Minoxidil, which also stimulates hair growth it is sure to produce excellent results.

Tricomin product line includes Tricomin Solution Follicle Therapy Spray that lasts for two to three months, Tricomin Solution Follicle Therapy Spray Double Pack, Tricomin Combination Pack 1 and 2, Tricomin Revitalizing Shampoo, Tricomin Restructuring Conditioner, Tricomin Deep Conditioning Treatment and Tricomin Conditioning Shampoo.

Follicle Therapy Spray combines the benefits of clinically-tested Triamino Copper Nutritional ComplexT with an exceptional leave-in conditioner formulation. Tricomin Solution enriches your hair and scalp with a unique blend of essential amino acids, minerals and body-building ingredients.

Order your pack now from and get back your lost, lustrous hair.

Andrew Adler writes for

Friday, November 7, 2008

Medium Hair Cuts

This section is ideal for those of you who do not want to spend so much time in daily hair care. Yes, it is not easy to maintain those lovely, full curly locks if time is so consuming.

Therefore, you can try some of the following techniques to keep your hair simple and elegant. Most importantly, use a shampoo which keeps your hair healthy and shiny. Avoid using those which leave your scalp itchy with dandruff, hair loss, dull, brittle with split ends. For conditioning solution, use a hair conditioner or softener after shampooing your hair to keep it soft and smooth, and easy to comb.

Once a week, apply hair masque all over your hair, avoiding the scalp, wrap it up with a shower cap or warm towel, leave the masque on for 20 minutes, rinse and towel dry after that. Use a hair dryer to dry your hair or just leave it to dry itself. Apply some hair cream or serum to keep hair moisturize.

Talking about straight hair, there are many styles of straight hair. You can try the U shape pattern, the V shape pattern, slightly layered at the sides, or just simple straight hair with some fringe in front.

Use a good shampoo and conditioner plus weekly hair masque to treat and repair your hair condition from exposure to changing weather.

You can tie up your hair for a change to look different. Try different kinds of pony tail, bun up, twist and clip. You may try to colour or highlight your hair to improve overall hairstyle.

If short hair matches your look, then it is great to stay with short hair. Try many short hair styles and you will not get bored. It is very easy to maintain, just trim the sides and back every few months to stay in shape. Shampoo, condition and treat your hair often. Try various kind of hair bands and clip to for extra style once in a while.

You may try to colour or highlight few strands to stay cool and up to date.

You like curls? Try the easy ones, go for soft perm with latest technique.

No need hair sprays or thick gels to stand your curls. Try soft perm at the hair ends, let your hairstylist know your requirements, so he or she will do something which you can still maintain your curls easily everyday without combing the ends.

Use a good shampoo and conditioner plus weekly hair masque to treat and repair your hair condition from exposure to changing weather.

You can tie up your curly hair for a change to look different. Try different kinds of curly pony tail, bun up, twist your curls and clip. You may try to colour or highlight your hair to improve your looks.

Juliet Cohen writes articles for medium hairstyles and bob hairstyles. She also writes articles on punk hairstyles

How To Prevent Split Ends?

All women with any hairstyle are conscious about their hairs. Still, an additional worry which the women with long hairs suffer is about split ends. As hairs grow, their ends tend to split into two or rarely three. If kept un-noticed these splits tend to progress in an upward direction. Once split ends develop, their only solution is to cut them. No known remedy works for them. So, the best way is to prevent them from developing. This can be done by taking good care of them and applying certain preventive measures.

  • Most important thing is to keep them clean. Shampoo your hairs with a suitable hair product for at least twice a week.
  • Untangle your hair regularly. Tangled hairs tend to break easily and acquire dirt rapidly.
  • Use a wide toothed comb for wet hairs. Wet hairs are more delicate and may break easily with a hair brush. Use hair combs made up of natural bruises; however such accessories are quite expensive. If these are not affordable use synthetic products with rounded tips. Those with pointed teeth are harsh to scalp and cause more hair breakage.
  • Use a conditioner according to your hair type at least once a week. It is seen that almost every hair type requires conditioner at least to some extent.
  • Protect your hairs from direct sunlight by wearing a hat, scarf or hood whenever sun exposure is expected.
  • Try to follow the guidelines for daily hair care for healthy long hairs, that would stay longer with you.

If you are interested in practical tips for good hair care and quick & easy ways for natural treatment of hairs visit

Ceramic Hair Straightener Explained

People with curly hair can now look at themselves in straight hair with the latest hair style found in the market, hair straightening. There are many procedures to adopt for hair straightening, of which ceramic hair straightener is one of them.

Ceramic hair irons are tools having ceramic plates that are found on one of its end. You have to section off some areas of your hair and then draw the hair across the surface of the heated plates of the ceramic hair iron to get your hair straightened. As the ceramic material found on the ceramic hair straightener iron is smooth, it gives off ions that help by changing the structure of hair. With this, curly hair can be straightened to straight hair.

There are many hair straighteners in the market for you to choose your ceramic hair iron from. One of the more popular brands is the Sedu flat iron. The different hair straighteners are available at different rates. It is not important to buy the most expensive hair straightener, moderately priced hair straighteners work just as well. Whichever hair straightener you choose, it is important that your hair is completely dry before using the ceramic hair straightener as the heat can damage the hair shaft.

The Sedu ceramic flat iron is a hair straightener that is built to negate tugging actions that other hair straighteners adopt and with which hair breaks and gets damaged. It heats faster than most hair straighteners and you need less time to style hair. This proves to be an advantage to you as it limits hair damage and lets you style your hair efficiently. If you have curly, coarse or hard hair, you can use higher heat settings while your hair does not get damaged. It is generally better to use some styling products like conditioner before using Sedu ceramic hair straighteners.

Find more about Ceramic hair straightener irons from experts on

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Hair Care Home Remedies

Save money and give yourself a break from the chemicals found in most hair care products by using the following natural home remedies.

Tame your frizzy hair by rubbing coconut oil into your hands and applying sparingly onto your hair. You don't want to overdo it - too much will make your hair look greasy. Shampooing your hair less frequently also helps with the frizzies. Excess shampooing strips natural oils from the hair.

Rinse your hair with one tablespoon baking soda mixed with one cup of water to get rid of shampoo build-up and styling residues.

Rinsing your hair with one juiced lemon and one cup of water is said to bring life and shine back to dull hair.

1/2 cup of apple cider vinegar mixed with two cups of water will give your hair shine and bounce.

Add essential oil of ylang ylang to your shampoo, conditioner and styling agents as a hair rejuvenator.

Ylang ylang and rosemary essential oils are also believed to stimulate hair growth.

Drinking plenty of water and eating plenty of raw fruits and vegetables and getting plenty of rest is probably the best way to achieving healthy hair.

What goes into your body is reflective on the outside including your hair.

Elizabeth Kiely is the owner of EK Shower Caps:

How to Style Curly Hair

Over 60 percent of all women have curly or wavy hair. More and more of these 60 percent are starting to wear their hair curly. Six years ago, straight hair may have been in, but today the natural look is in and that means wearing your hair as is, especially if it's curly. If you have curly hair and want to style it curly after having worn it straight for years, you might be at a loss as to how you should style it. Good news, if you hated spending hours on your hair straightening it every morning, you are in for a treat if you are going to start wearing it curly. It takes only a few minutes to style curly hair.

Before wearing your hair curly, there are two important things you must know. First, curly hair is often inconsistent and may not always behave. One day you might have perfect curls and then you may never be able to copy that look again. Luckily, you can make it look great even if it doesn't, always look the same. Second, curly hair needs moisture. Always avoid things that will dry out your hair such as bleach, hair dryers, and straightening and curling irons, and moisturize as much as possible. Use a moisturizing daily conditioner and use a deep conditioner every week. If the extra moisture makes your hair oily, concentrate the extra moisture away from your scalp where the oil is produced and closer to the older, dryer ends.

In order to begin styling your hair, first wash and condition it, and then leave it soaking wet to prepare for the product. Next, in your hand, squeeze about a dime size amount for short hair or a quarter size amount or more for long hair, of leave-in conditioner. Next, squeeze in an equal amount of curling gel. You can add in a pump or two of defrizzing serum if you'd like. Mix it together well and rub it between your hands. Rake the mixture evenly throughout your soaking wet hair and scrunch your hair up towards your head to help it curl.

You can add the products to your hair with your head upside down for more volume. Let your hair air dry or use a diffuser for a few minutes on a low cool setting to help it along. Once it is dry, scrunch your hair a bit if it's crunchy, and then enjoy your perfect curls.

If you want to find some more hairstyles for curly hair and learn about how to care for curly hair, go to for more information.

Sedu Hairstyling Tips

The sedu hair straightener craze erupted in 2006. This hairstyle craze reintroduced sleek and sexy hairstyles that could be modified to fit any hair type. If you are interested in creating your own sedu hair style then you will want to follow the sedu hair style tips listed below.

The first thing that you will need to do to create a superior sedu hair style is to use the right equipment. Sedu offers one of the best ceramic hair straighteners on the market today. It utilizes a ceramic and tourmaline plate system that allows the plates to slide easily over your hair without grabbing, snagging or damaging the strands. The sedu hair straightener also is superior to other ceramic hair straighteners because it creates 6 times the number of negative ions and it also is designed to infuse your hair strands with moisture and shine. If you have had bad luck with flat irons and ceramic straighteners in the past you will be pleasantly surprised by the results generated by the sedu hair straightener.

In addition to using the sedu hair straightener sedu beauty tips also recommend that you use the right hair care products in conjunction with your hair straightener. One of the most important hair care products that you should use when creating a sedu hair style is conditioner. Make sure that you use a high quality condition when you wash your hair, and also use a leave in conditioner when you plan on creating a sedu hair style. This will help to protect your hair from styling damage, and it will also help your sedu hair straightener create a sleek and shiny hair style.

Sedu hair styles are great for just about any occasion. However, they are especially popular for proms and special occasions. To select the best sedu prom hair styles for you, you will need to first consider the shape of your face. For example round faces and heart shaped faces need to look for sedu hair styles that add height to the crown of their head. After you have determined what shape your face is you next step is to find a hair style that is both flattering to your face shape and that will also fit your style preference. Some of the sedu hair styles that you can select from include: natural sedu hair style, chic sedu hair style, formal sedu hair style and vintage hair style.

Searching for a qualified hair stylist in Utah to fit your beauty needs? Landis Salon, located in Sugarhouse, UT is a full service Aveda salon with services ranging from hair design, wedding packages, facials, manicures, pedicures, hair coloring and make up consulting. Looking to update your wardrobe with a bold, unique style? Black Chandelier clothing company has the creative look you are searching for. Show your individuality with their clever printed t-shirts, colorful women's dresses and skirts and fashionable footwear & accessories.

Simple Hair Care Tips for Beautiful Hair

Against frizz

What do you do when you're away from home and your hair suddenly goes "boing!"?
It's not practical to drag your straightening iron everywhere you go, but you can pack a small bottle of styling product in your purse. When trouble strikes, run some instant conditioner, curl-enhancer or anti-frizz serum through your unruly locks to keep them totally spazzing.

Silky hair

To get a smooth hair with enjoyable touch, apply a simple method: prepare a "mayo" with one yolk and 2 teaspoons of olive-oil. Apply the mixture on your hair before washing. Then cover the hair with packaging foil and leave it for 15-20 minutes. Finally, wash your hair with warmish water and baby shampoo and rinse it well.

Shine on

More natural shine for your hair? After washing the hair with the proper shampoo and after rinsing, pour one little bottle of warmish mineral water on your hair. The minerals fro the water makes the hair shiny - they have a pronounced reflection-capacity and interesting light-reflection. And it really works!

Over-use of a flat iron splits and fries hair-ends making them look like synthetic dolls' hair. Use it less and save your hair by blow-drying with a flat, paddle brush or a double-brush. The double-brush looks like a flatiron but it's lined with bristles and used with a blow-dryer. Don't forget to use a straightening product or a leave-in conditioner.

Don't put wet hair into pony-tail

Wet hair is weak and hair strands can snap off wound up in a hair-tie. Let the hair dry completely before tying it up. If time is an issue, then wash your hair the night before.

Preserve your hair color

Like any extra stress you put on your hair, coloring makes the hair weaker and can cause breakage, which is why it's so important to deep-condition to lock in moisture. If you're heat-styling your hair frequently, be sure to protect it with a gel or salve, which will ensure that the heat burns away the product and not your hair color. Also, be mindful of your shampoo and conditioner: Tailor them to your hair type and color to prevent fading and brassiness.

Great use of vinegar

After shampooing your hair, use 2oz. of brown vinegar (if hair is dark or in brown category) or white vinegar (if hair is grey, light, or colored blonde) to 8oz of water. Mix. pour over hair and work it through.

Rinse. Do not shampoo. Hair will smell fresh, and your scalp will have an astringent treatment as well. The vinegar closes the cuticle of the hair, thus, letting the hair reflect light .The hair will shine like a new dime! Vinegar rinses also help keep down bacteria growth on the scalp and cures dandruff.

For more Hair Care Tips, Hairstyles Pictures and Beauty Tips visit us!

Put A Freeze on Frizzy Hair - How to Get Smooth Locks

Do hair product commercials leave you hating your frizzy do? Are you tired of looking in the mirror and seeing strands of hair springing up from your freshly styles locks? For many woman, frizzy hair puts an end to your styling attempts before they even start. Lucky for you there is plenty you can do to help reduce the appearance of frizzy unmanageable hair! An excellent way to decrease the amount of frizz in your life is to follow a few frizz free care tips like the ones below.

  • Limit Exposure to Hot Styling Devices: Curling irons, blow dryers, and straightening irons can do wonders when it comes to styling your hair, but not without a cost. The heat produced by these products can strip your hair of natural oils leaving it dry and brittle. If you must use these products regularly, look for conditioners and other hair products that are meant to protect your hair from heat.
  • Condition Regularly: Conditioning regular is important in your battle against frizz. Condition helps control hair and repair split ends. Since split ends start at the tips and work their way to the roots one of the best ways to stop split ends is condition your hair often.
  • Try Leave in Conditioner: If you find that your hair is extremely frizzy you may want to consider using a leave in conditioner. Women with exceptionally curly hair will find that using leave in conditioner may work more so that just conditioning during the shower. If you tend to have thin hair or hair that gets greasy quickly leave in conditioner may not be the right option for you.
  • Use Caution When Styling Wet Hair: Your hair is most vulnerable when it's wet. Using a brush or pulling your hair into a pony tail while wet can easily break and damage hair. Avoid styling when wet and use a combo to brush wet hair.
  • Don't Wash Hair Every Day: Washing your hair every day may seem like the healthy thing to do, it can actually be doing more harm than good. Daily washing can strip oils from hair leaving it dry and brittle. If possible get into the habit of washing your hair every other day.
  • Rinse with Cold Water: After you've washed your hair, give your locks a cool treat and rinse it again with cold water. This will help to lock in the moisture minimizing the appearance of split ends and therefore frizz.
  • Get Frequent Hair Cuts: If your guilty of getting a hair cut every 4 or more months, you're doing a huge disservice to your hair. Getting your hair trimmed every two months will help cut back on split ends which help cause frizzy hair.
  • Look for Professional Help: If you've tried all of these tips and more you may want to consider visiting your local salon for some help. Many hair stylists offer a chemical treatment that works to reduce frizz. Keep in mind that like many hair styling options, this can be a little pricey.
For more information on makeup like this, be sure to visit the experts at MakeUpTip at

The Worst Kind Of Divorce-Split Ends

One of the worst occurrences to witness is a divorce of any kind. When dealing with one’s hair, this comes in the form of split ends. This is almost as unkind on the eyes as it is on the hair.

Split ends (or its proper name, trichoptilosis, means the splitting of hair fiber) occur when the protective portion of the hair (called the cuticle) becomes damaged. Although split ends may occur anywhere along the hair shaft, they mostly appear on the ends of the hair.

No matter what some hair care products may tell you, it is impossible to repair split ends. You may however purchase products that will "seal" the split ends, but trust me...this will only be a short term solution. So, no matter what these hair care products promise they can do for you, they CAN NOT repair split ends. The only way to fix the problem is to cut the split ends off. If you choose to ignore your split ends, they will only get worse. The hair will continue to split up the shaft (sometimes all the way up until it reaches the roots) until it breaks off.

The Causes

Over processing the hair with chemicals, or even brushing the hair too harshly can cause the ends to split. Combing the hair with uneven teeth in combs, or uneven bristles in brushes will cause damage as well. If at all possible avoid using nylon bristles and cut back on heat directly applied to the blow dryers, flat irons, curling irons, and hot curlers. If you must apply direct heat, make sure you apply some sort of heat/thermal protective spray or conditioner to the hair first, to help prevent direct heat damage.

How it happens Step by Step

-First your hair gets weak. -Then, your cuticle begins to break down. -Next, your cuticle disappears, layer by layer. Now, the cortex, the next layer of the hair is exposed. -Soon after, split ends appear. -Finally your hair breaks.


One of the easiest ways to damage the hair is to comb it or treat it harshly, while it is wet. While hair is wet it is in its most fragile state. To correct this, and to prevent split ends, after washing and conditioning your hair, gently comb out any tangles with a wide toothcomb. If your hair is difficult to comb thru, use a leave in conditioner, and comb your hair from the ends to the root with either a wide toothcomb or your fingers.

If you treat your hair like it is fragile, by not brushing, scrubbing, or combing too harshly, deep condition your hair (as often as needed) applying some form of a heat protective spray or conditioner and frequently trimming your ends, then you should have minimum to no split ends.

Dwayne Pressley is a licensed cosmetologist, hair care consultant, (found at public speaker and author of the internet's scorching hot e-book on the subject of hair "What Your Hair stylist Doesn't Want You To Know" for more information join the group and/or visit him at

Monday, November 3, 2008

A Rough Battle To Smoothen Your Dry Hair

Dry hair occurs mainly due to heat, the use of excessive chemicals applied on your hair and also by not taking good care of your hair. Every person's hair has a certain amount of moisture which preserves your hair and does not let it dry. When certain level of moisture goes down due to many of the common reasons then you have to take special efforts to maintain that moisture. One should keep in mind that excess experiments with your hair can cause problems and lead to dry hair.

Some of the common reason why many face this problem is the excessive washing of your hair. Your hair need not be washed daily as this washes out the nutrients from your hair leaving you 'high and dry’. So washing is not an appropriate solution for your hair on a daily basis. Use of hot dryers, hot curlers or any of the things you use for stylizing your hair also leads to drying. Swimming in chlorinated water without a head cap makes your hair parched and even drier. By using some of the home based recipes you can make your last longer with a better look.

The use of mild shampoo is one of the initial steps to be taken when you are treating dry hair. Look for shampoos mentioned as 'dry and damaged' which would work in your favor. The use of conditioner is a must as this helps in preserving the lost nutrients and oil in your hair. This would give a beautiful look to your hair with the extra shine and bounce. Snipping off the end of your hair would help in preventing further damage to your hair. Exposure to sun can also cause dryness. You can use hair sunscreen to protect your hair.

Use of some of the home made ingredients if properly blended can be very helpful. Beer seems to work wonders on your hair. You can spray your hair with beer once you have shampooed your hair. Mayonnaise is also a wonderful ingredient which brings life back to your hair as it is termed as an excellent conditioner.

Kevin Pederson has been managing number of sites related to hair and skin care which provides information on Natural Cure for Dry Hair by using some basic home care treatments for soft and smooth hair.

Remedies to Prevent Hair Loss

Almost everyone likes to have thick hair as it adds value to your personality. But if your hair is not dense it can be enhanced with proper treatment.

Rosemary is an important ingredient that promotes hair quality. Mix ½ cup of rosemary to 1 cup of water. Add this solution to half the quantity of your shampoo and cleanse your head. Rosemary helps opening the blocked pores in the scalp and thus gives a chance for hair growth. Tea can be made out of this product and it is useful for the overall blood circulation and supports hair growth also.

You can also clean your hair with slightly cold water to make them shine and glow. If you wish to make them lighter, apply lemon or lemon juice. Make use of egg yolk when the hair is wet. This conditions the hair and prevents hair splits and hair loss.

To make your hair look healthier and shiny mix almond oil and castor oil and massage the scalp gently. Cover it with a towel for sometime so that the scalp absorbs the mixture. Rinse your hair with a mixture of 2-3 teaspoonfuls of honey and water.

Aloe Vera helps to prevent the male pattern baldness in women and when applied to the scalp gives rise to thick and healthy hair. Onion includes high quality sulfur in it and therefore it yields the same benefits like Aloe Vera.

The red pepper popularly known as Capsium releases the hormone to the cells known as histamine. In this way all the necessary nutrients reach the scalp area and thus gives scope for hair growth.

To prepare a quick conditioner mix one egg with 1 tsp vinegar and glycerin. We can also make a honey conditioner by adding 1-2 whipped eggs to honey along with olive oil. When we mix about two eggs to 2 tsp of brandy we get an alcoholic conditioner. All the above-mentioned conditioners need to be gently applied on the scalp and should be cleansed with shampoo and steam.

If you maintain a good quality of your hair then you will obviously create a good impression.

Paul has been providing answers to lots of queries through his website on a wide variety of subjects ranging from satellite phones to acne. To learn more visit

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